Faces of Hope
If you have experienced the changes brought on by Acromegaly, know that there is hope to returning back to a semblance of your old self through surgery, medication and / or radiation. The following patients have shared their photo stories to show - there is hope!
Brenda was diagnosed in 2015. She had surgery, Gamma Knife Radiation and is medically controlled with Somatuline Depot. After 2 1/2 yrs things are still changing. Labs are getting in normal range . Good days are great and bad ones are the days from hell. I am a survivor!
Chetan - Improving Quality of LIfe The medical condition which once made me look at the roof of the Neuro ICU for four days, has now given me the reason to live. While #LifeWithAcromegaly is gaining ground each passing day, what gives the biggest high is also the fact that through my fitness pursuits I have been able to inspire a lot of friends, colleagues, and family members in pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Left: Life with acromegaly before being diagnosed and Right: My smile and my fit habits helped me improve my quality of life.
Bella.... still changing Left photo was taken in March 2016, less than 1 month after diagnosis. Right photo was taken in June 2016, one month post surgery. 2 years later, I am still seeing changes with each month that my IGF-1 is controlled.
Traci - Moving Forward The picture on the left was taken in 2007, prior to Traci's diagnosis. The picture on the right shows Traci as she looks today. Traci has been medically managed since 2009.
Octavio - Better than ever
Carole is medically controlled on 90mg of Somatuline every 6 weeks. The picture on the left was taken before surgery in November 2016 when the doctors removed a 14mm tumor. The second picture was taken July 2017.
Christine - Facebook Memories The photo on the left popped up in Christine's Facebook memories from 4 years ago. It was 3 weeks before she found out she had a pituitary tumor. It’s a memory she’d like to forget but it reminds her of how far she's come with surgery and medication to treat this ugly condition
A message from Irene: "Time settles into the past, I look upon myself and realise that's not me, I am the present of the woman I am now. Surgery changed me for the better, someone I like. Not the Acromegaly girl, the one I didn't know. Alis volat propriis. "She flies with her own wings"."
Nitish - A New Person 3 months Post operation, Nitish says he certainly feels like a whole new person.
Romina With treatment, life can be better for patients.
Jenifer - Light at the end of the dark tunnel Photo to the left was taken 2010, prior to diagnosis. Right was 2018. 2 surgeries and 6 weeks radiation, 8 years later....tumor free!!!! There is light at the end of a dark tunnel
Meet Jill. The photo on the left was taken pre-diagnosis. The photo on the right, was taken 12 years later.
Rochelle - Unstoppable So much has changed for Rochelle since her surgery! Weight loss, appearance, and energy levels! She is unstoppable! Rochelle had surgery in September 2010 and has been in remission since.
Christi has been medically controlled since Aug 2014. The first photo (L) was taken January 2014, just a month before surgery. The second photo (R) was taken 2-1/2 years later.
Kristin - Meeting the Endo "Meeting my endocrinologist was the best thing that could have ever happened to me - having this surgery to remove this tumor. Left picture are the day of surgery 2/28/17. Right picture was taken post-surgery, October 8, 2017. Many symptoms were relieved within weeks of surgery- swollen hands, feet and limbs went down, soft tissue on face inflammation decreased, hand numbness stopped. "
Rocio / In Remission Left: before the diagnosis. Right: 5 years post surgery. Currently in remission, no trace of tumor and controlled with Sandostatin 20 mg C / 28 days
Maureen - Blessed Besides aching joints, occasional headaches and lo energy some days, life is good. I actually am losing weight. Finally....I got Acro, it doesn't have me anymore. I have some balancing problems, maybe I will dance again. I only now realize how blessed I have been.
Jim - Things really do get better! The first photo (L) was taken July 5, 2015 minutes before surgery before having a 25+/-mm tumor removed. The second is on February 19, 2018. Things really do get better once you figure out what is going on!
Di Ana - Awareness is Power Awareness is having the power in your hands to make a change for others through the voice you share of your journey. I still have to take many pauses but I have been able to push through and create joy, normalcy and life into my everyday with treatment. I remind myself that "I am" the boss of me, not this."
Bea / Living Life! "After diagnosis and surgery, I find that I care much more about myself, what I eat, physical activity and therapy. I am currently very healthy and have a great quality of life!"
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